Lifeguard Instructor Training

Lifeguard Instructor Training

Massanutten Resort will offer the American Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor Training course periodically or on an as needed basis. The purpose of the American Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor Course is to train participants to teach the American Red Cross Lifeguarding, Lifeguarding Blended Learning, Aquatic Attraction Lifeguarding, Shallow Water Lifeguarding, Waterpark Skills, CPR/AED for Professional Rescuers, Administering Emergency Oxygen, and Bloodborne Pathogens Training courses and/or modules.

Note: To teach Waterfront Skills, Lifeguarding instructor must possess a base-level Waterfront Skills certificate and orient to the corresponding content in the Instructors Manual/DVD/Course Presentation.

The Lifeguard Instructor Course has the following pre-requisites to ensure minimum age, strength, endurance and knowledge of base-level lifeguard skills:

  • Be at least 17 years old on or before the last day of the instructor course.
  • Possess a current American Red Cross certificate for Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED certification.

Successfully complete the Online Session for the Lifeguarding Instructor course, which consists of the following:

  1. Orientation to the American Red Cross
  2. Orientation to the Lifeguarding Instructor
  3. Course and Precourse Exam
  • Successfully complete the Precourse Session
  • Obtain the Lifeguarding Instructor's Manual and Lifeguarding Manual after you successfully completed the Precourse Session. (Books will be distributed on First day of class after completion of precourse skills.)

Note: Early registration of 7 days required to allow time for enrollment into the Red Cross Learning Center. Participants will be contacted once enrolled.